31 May 2014


Alright, really need to power through these last few Australia posts. It's just so bittersweet, looking back at all the fun things we did and then knowing that to go back and visit those beautiful places and see the wonderful people I miss is just such an ordeal. Oh well. It's a blessing to have found those people and places, and I'm lucky to have found the love I did and have something to miss so intensely, right?
Another Cairns adventure this time. We took a train up the rainforest covered mountains to the little town of Kuranda. Did some exploring there, wandered around a wildlife park and had some adorable encounters, then made our descent in cable cars suspended high above that green wildness. You know by now how in love I am with a verdant landscape, and this was no letdown. Looking below, and out to the horizon and seeing nothing but green. Fantastic.

On the way up we saw gorgeous waterfalls...

scenic vistas...

and impressive monoliths

Then a walk through town, and straight to the wildlife park, where we saw plenty of crocodiles

cuddled with koalas

fed wallabies and kangaroos

(how precious is that face?!)

were dared to step any further by brave lizards

and had some silly times with colorful, cheeky, and assertive birds

and finally made it to the butterfly house. Yes please!

it was beautiful, delicate, fluttery, crazy butterfly chaos!

And then the trip back down. Endless views, and a few stops, including another rainforest boardwalk, and some remarkable flora and fauna. It breaks my heart a little to see wonderful creatures in captivity, so I was beyond thrilled to see amazing spiders and whatnot thriving in their natural environment. 

1 comment:

  1. Great photo of that big spider! Why didn't I think of that?? But thanks for posting these photos, great memories for me also. :-)
