28 November 2013

non-turkey day

Thanksgiving. A completely foreign holiday down under. And one that I was more than happy to bring to life in Daylesford. Since most of us are vegetarian, and a few vegans were invited, I took on the challenge of a veggie powered feast. Stuffed onions (in lieu of a stuffed bird), dressing, mash, salad, cranberries, gravy, pumpkin pie and kiwi dessert (and some ready-made turkey sausages for those who just couldn't go without). And everything but the mash was vegan! A truly delicious meal. And shared with some of our nearest and dearest here. We ended up being just over 20 people (and one adorable baby), and the night was full of happy kids, funny conversations, sing-alongs at the piano, and a true spirit of thankfulness. A really wonderful evening. I was busy in the kitchen at the start of the night and handed off my camera to the girls. These may not be the most sophisticated pictures, but they're plenty fun. Enjoy the very first Thanksgiving at Hightor through Pasca, Maeve, and Miranda's eyes!

Singing along, rather passionately, to our favorite song of the moment. Have a listen! 

The aftermath of a highly successful Thanksgiving. Hope you all had a wonderful meal with people you love! And as our friend Vigen said last night, always be thankful for tomorrow.


  1. Hi Brooke,

    loved the thanksgiving dinner. Thanks for bringing the tradition to Daylesford. I'm thinking we should do it every year now.


  2. Brooke,

    Great photos. These will remind me of our Thanksgiving dinner and your magnificent cooking.

    Love, (Papa) Brian

  3. Looked like a lot of fun!!! Glad life is good for you down there...hugs, Mom

  4. Thanks everyone! Glad you all enjoyed it, it was a true joy making and eating the meal for and with you all. More dinner parties year round!
