07 November 2013

perfect day

As stated previously, Melbourne was amazing. Just the quick break I needed. Brian has lived there before, having been in Australia for almost two years now, and took the time to show me all his favorite spots. The first: one of the many alleyways reserved for graffiti artists. There are a few around the city and they're simply amazing. Colorful, imaginative art surrounding you, towering over your head up the walls. Love it.

A small tribute to the recently departed Lou Reed

Along those same lines, we spent a good amount of our walking time around the city seeking out and admiring street art. This was my favorite, and we stopped and talked to the man for a while. His name is Adrian, and we actually had a fascinating in-depth conversation about art history and theory and methods and more. Wonderful. Can't wait to be back in the city and spend some more time with him. 

Next up: the National Gallery of Victoria. A treasure trove of art and antiquities. We spent hours wandering around, gazing at portraits, feeling like we could speak to busts and statues, drawing inspiration from intricate patterns and techniques, and just immersing ourselves in other cultures styles and other people's genius. And I couldn't have been happier that we held hands as we explored and stopped to stare. Anyone else for acting out Ferris Bueller?

Love the work itself, and the gorgeous shadow it casts

Craving to dye my own fabric

The amazing stained glass ceiling over an expanse. The building itself  is a work of art, really enjoyed it. 

One man, myriad paintings.

Monet-still my favorite!

We learned that Salvador Dali was a screenwriter, too!

Always loved the colors of Rothko's work. Beautiful.

Of course there were many more adventures and new faces and places, but I really was too caught up in the moments in the best way possible. Love this city, and spending time with my personal tour guide. And for all your curious eyes, here he is! Not the greatest picture, but I love that it radiates his fun, friendly, happy, warm personality. Cheers!


  1. Brooke, you sound so happy ! Glad you posted a pic of your new love...he looks wonderful. We are happy that you are happy! Jan Widmann

  2. That street art was amazing! Reminded me of some of what we saw in London. Very cool. And thanks for the photo of Brian, he looks happy!

  3. Thanks ladies! I am amazingly happy, and hopefully Brian will be able to make it to Daylesford soon to try out the country life I love so much here. Stay tuned for pictures of a loud guy in a quiet town!
