03 December 2013


Happy Birthday Benson! This year the lucky boy had a paintballing blowout with about ten of his closest friends (which, I am extremely happy to say, included his sister and sweet Maeve). Sarah hired the community bus for the occasion, and we all piled in and set off to the park just outside of Melbourne. The ride was loud, crazy, fun, a little dangerous, and completely worth it. The kids all got suited up in their camo and team colors, had a quick lesson in handling their guns, and were off. Their first course was full of old storage containers, wasted planes, and other hazards. Think they were more than a bit nervous at first, but came back happy as could be and full of ideas and strategies for their next foray. Sarah and I manned the table amid all the other team moms and spectators, and with the sound of rapid fire hitting metal drums and armored bodies, I had quite the nice time. People watching is always great entertainment, and in such a unique, concentrated culture, its just perfect. Big groups of kids at parties, teenagers out for a fun diversion, full grown men having rather serious wars out on the courses. We had a simple, fast-paced lunch, and then after many hours of shooting at each other, everyone got back in the van and we had a lovely picnic of Benson's favorite food (chips!) at a great park. After a brief siesta, it was back to Hightor for cake and farewells. A truly fun day. 

Crazy bus load!

Sooooo much camouflage

Ready and amped to go!

Silly, funny Timmy

Watching out for our kids

Ayden in some war paint

Feeding frenzy

Serious strategy talk

One last bite...

Hurry! Shove some Cheezels under your helmet!

Jaida's perfect shot

Pasca sporting some souvenirs in her hair

Jesse looking like a proud soldier

With our great group

The birthday boy!

Short, sunny picnic

Benson's cake request: strawberry sponge. Yummm

Happy Birthday!

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