11 January 2014

leaving the beach

On our way back to Daylesford, we stopped at a historic homestead called Coolart. It was spectacular. An ornate house surrounded by preserved wetlands, expansive gardens, lush lawns, and all open and welcome to enquiring minds. It was a real inspiration for me personally, as someday far, far down the road I'd like to settle in a similar situation. An older home, lots of land, just close enough to the beach and civilization, but still remote enough to feel completely natural and peaceful. Loved every second of our brief visit there.
After that, it was on to Arthur's Seat to a place called the Enchanted Adventure Garden. And it really lived up to its name. Gorgeous landscaping, plenty of mazes, obstacles courses, and other activities for the kids. And the real reason we came- tree-top surfing. A series of zip-lining courses high in the trees on which the kids climbed, leaped, swang, and flew from. Brought back happy memories of years ago in Panama when I hiked up a mountain in the lush rainforest only to fly back down it on lofty lines in the canopy. Amazing. A wonderful reminder of all the adventures I've already had, and all those yet to come.
We've only been home a few days now, and taking off again tomorrow for a little road trip. Sarah has hired a 12 seater bus, and our family, along with two others, will be doing a little tour of some natural wonders, chief among them the "penguin parade" at Phillip Island. Can't wait! We're definitely packing as much fun as we can into these school breaks, it'll be a tough transition back to a regular schedule!

Specimens on display at Coolart

I was meant to be a lady of (relative) leisure

Love the dahlia's leaves, and that lovely bee doing his work

A delicious smelling maze of Douglas Fir
With hidden Buddhas and even a large scale zen garden

We adults found a bridge (in the middle of a maze) to sit on, sipping coffee and watching the kids

Then we stopped and had a picnic on the beach before the final stretch of the drive home

Benson and Darius doing some lovely synchronized sand-throwing

And just for fun, a throwback to Panama. An amazing day and experience.


1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! That zip line in Panama is nothing compared to the one in Costa Rica....that one goes over the trees and their canopy, it is amazing. Someday we'll go, but I'm glad you liked the one in Panama with Bob and I.
