18 January 2014

wilson's promontory

Road trip part two. After our time on Phillip Island, we drove to Foster, a small town just outside Wilson's Promontory. We had booked units through a hostel, and they turned out to be self-contained apartments, all fitted with kitchens and laundry! The only complaint- we didn't all have 70s themed outfits to fit the decor! But really, the accommodation and the town were just lovely. Really reinforced the idea that I want to settle in a small town someday. And as for Wilson's Promontory-continental Australia's southern most point-it was gorgeous. We visited just two sites there, Tidal River and Squeaky Beach, but definitely feel like I experienced something unique and beautiful and grand. Tidal River flows down to the ocean, and it was great fun watching kids catch the tide and head downstream to the waves. After a while there, we picked up and walked to Squeaky Beach. As evidenced in my posts about our last trip, you'll know I was in paradise walking on the tree-covered path with the soundtrack of crashing waves. And then the beach came into view. White sand, huge boulders, just breath-taking. Reminded me of a jumble of parts of beaches in Hawaii, California and New England. Spent many happy hours playing in the surf with the kids, and though the rip tides were fiercely strong and didn't allow for too much venturing out, we joyfully body-surfed and just let ourselves be tossed around like rag dolls. It was the perfect last day to our holiday, couldn't have asked for more.

Love seeing the variety of colorful birds in Australia

The beach at Tidal River from above

Happy day with my favorite girls

Squeaky Beach!

After our time at the beach, we headed to the campgrounds to try and spot a wombat. Apparently they're so used to living in close quarters with humans that they wander freely around and even sneak into tents to steal food! After some patient waiting by one's hole, half of our group came bounding back saying one just walked by. We all hurried over, and my goodness, it was adorable! One major Australia bucket list item checked off!

And then it ran away under a camper for some privacy

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  1. Great photos Brooke. I'm glad you had the opportunity to visit "the Prom". It's a beautiful place - one of my favourites.
    Regards, Brian.

  2. So that's what a wombat looks like? Guess I was expecting some sort of flying thing, since it ends with "bat"! Ding bat here!
