25 September 2013


Yesterday the girls and I went to the Wirrimbirra Wildlife Sanctuary. We took a walk among wallabies, kangaroos, and a wombat, then headed over to the dingo rescue shelter. It was amazing to just stroll around and have all the animals hopping around us.

A kangaroo having a rest

Wallabies, wallabies everywhere

So cute!

Crazy, aggressive, startling emu

And the dingos-so interesting! Their singing was amazing. We toured all their pens, learned their history, and tried our best to pronounce their Aboriginal names. They're on a par with coyotes here. Wild dogs that roam open land, hunting rabbits, foxes, and the occasional unfortunate house cat. And like coyotes, people tend to veer towards hating them. Farmers hunt them, the public fears them, and most people just don't understand them. Another misunderstood, under appreciated top predator. It really was an eye-opening experience.

And then this one Chipala...

became my best friend!

Till next time my friend

1 comment:

  1. aahhhh...they are prettier than coyotes, but I understand the fear factor!
