25 April 2014

boomerang ranch

This friendly face was waiting to greet us as we walked in

Holidays here have totally different timing than what I'm used to. We had the two weeks before Easter off from school, as opposed to the one before and one after. And apparently "Easter Monday" is a thing, and an additional day off. Pasca, Maeve and I took advantage by going for a trail ride at a ranch here in town. It was just the right way to end our holidays, and hopefully the start of a fun hobby for Pasca. She's scheduled to ride again today, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's still thrilling for her. Happy trails! 

Pasca rode a horse named Angel

Maeve was on Shadow

And I was paired with the feisty Jordan


  1. Glad to see you up on a horse!

    1. Glad to be there! Can't wait to do more riding in San Diego.
