02 April 2014

happy birthday pasca!

Yesterday was Pasca's eleventh birthday, and boy was it a great day. Papa Brian came up from Melbourne, and friends gathered for a delicious Indian meal.

Pasca was seated outside and treated to a little pampering straight away after school. 

This included a hairdo with some colorful fall leaves by the marvelous Blossom

But once Pasca felt the crunch, it was time for them to go

Sarah was happy learning about the new barbecue Papa had brought up from Melbourne. A very appropriately named "BeefMaster" for this house full of vegetarians

Blossom started over on Pasca's hair

And this devilish look...

...resulted in this one, of a different kind, but equally odd

Loud squawking birds circled overhead

And then it was netball time! Pasca received a few netballs and a hoop to practice with for her birthday

She and Blos helped Papa put the net together

Then it was time to decide where it should go, and to get in a quick practice

Maeve arrived, and the girls snuck out front to have some fun

Before we all sat down to a delicious meal

Then it was time for the ice cream cake

And a final chat around the table. 

Happy Birthday Pasca!!


  1. That looks like fun! Happy Birthday to Pasca from us!

  2. Happy Birthday Pasca! All the way from Ireland! xx
