26 April 2014


It's somewhat of a lazy day here at Hightor. Started the day out with a netball match for Pasca, and a football match for Benson. It was pretty enjoyable, until the rain started pouring down. And then Sophia and I had a ball sprinting to the car for some shelter and snacks. After a quick muesli bar and plugging ABBA in for the drive home, we arrived back at Hightor and everyone set about achieving their goals for the day. Pasca and Leilani went off to the ranch for their trail ride, Sophia went back home, the boys of the house settled in to play some video games, and I found my place in the kitchen. Sarah and I enjoyed a delicious scone with jam and cream at a cafe in town yesterday, and sought to replicate it at home. So I whipped together some basic scones, and when everyone was back home and a bit calm, we all sat down for afternoon tea. It was absolutely marvelous, crowding around the small kitchen table with all those kids, chatting and laughing and covering every bit of scone surface with jam, cream, honey, berries, and even Trader Joe's cookie butter. A very civilized little exercise for a rainy afternoon. And now Sarah and I are situated on the couch, pulled as close to the fire as we dare, and both working away on our computers. And luckily for me and you, she just sent me some wonderful, almost forgotten photos from past adventures. So here's a few leftover treasures, randomly thrown together for your viewing pleasure.

In one of several runs to Bunnings (a big hardware store here in Oz), Pasca and Blossom disappeared for a bit while Sarah and I were browsing. And then two giggly boxes walked by. The girls found these huge boxes and claimed them for their own, even carving holes so they could see where they were going. It was rather hilarious. And a joyful end to a routine shopping trip. 

A wonderfully named car we spotted in Point Lonsdale, on our beach holiday there.

And a nice evening story time in Point Lonsdale. I read everyone the legend of Sacagawea aiding Lewis and Clark in their great expedition. An American classic in an American accent!

And a few more great captures of our silly times on the ferry from Queenscliff. Enjoying the sunshine, salt water smells, and high winds. 

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