24 April 2014

daylesford dates

So I've been seeing an Australian bloke for about a month now. His name is Jeremy and he's great. Splitting his time between here and Sydney. It's so nice to show someone around town who also has an appreciation for all the great art and gorgeous nature to be found in Daylesford. Our last two dates have been all about the Convent Gallery here in town. One day we walked through the botanic gardens on our way down to look at the art, and it seemed as if all the world was green.

I love the gallery for it's cozy setting. The convent is full of little niches, colorful stained glass, religious artifacts, and just wonderful architecture. Much more enjoyable than a large, stark museum space in my opinion.

We went to see an exhibit of works by a local artist, Richard Payne. The show was titled "Of Gods and Love", and is full of mythology and the stories and images of the Greek gods. It was great to be wandering around in a converted Catholic institution, admiring works depicting pagan idols.

Love that they added these small olive trees to this room. Why not go all out with a theme?

When we went back for a second time, it was to enjoy the gardens. And now it seemed that everything around was gold (and red, and purple)! Incredibly beautiful. Earnestly cramming in as much fun as possible into these last days here, and couldn't be happier. 

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