25 February 2014

last night

As I said yesterday, I've been sick again. Just can't seem to shake it off. But last night was a high point, with the warm day giving way to the chilly autumn winds I love so much. Started out enjoying that on our veranda, then spontaneously decided to go have a peek at the sunset from the botanical gardens. One thing led to another, I was feeling better than I had in days, and I ended up racing up the tower in the gardens to get the ultimate view. Felt so good. And though I'm paying for it today, it was still worth it. I've expressed my love for the sky before on here, and it bears repeating. If you just take the time to stop for a second or two and look up, there's always something grand to see.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, I'm a sky watcher too. Sorry to hear you've been sick, me too. Having a down day myself, spent the morning in a Brazilian ER. Now on antibiotics, prednisone, and 3 other meds that I'm not sure what they are. I bet you got my predilection to getting sick, sorry about that.
