17 February 2014

natural wonders

Got the amazing news today that as a workman was replacing some weatherboards on the house, he discovered and pulled out an old, dead beehive. Magic! There's nothing I love more (perhaps than using hyperboles) than seeing the perfect, beautiful math of these amazing creations. And the smell! Still heavenly sweet, I was almost tempted to lick it to see if I could taste the honey. Don't know what will become of it, and frankly don't care to think of it, but if it were up to me this would definitely be proudly displayed as the work of art it is. For today though, I'm happy just to have seen it, smelled it, and held it. Simply perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you math brain you, I can see you ogling it!! I bet it did smell wonderful, but good thing it's no longer an active hive.
