13 February 2014


Apparently Valentine's Day isn't a thing here in Australia. Sort of like Halloween. Recognized, but not really celebrated. It's very odd to me not to be surrounded by hearts and flowers and red and pink decorations of all kinds everywhere I go. I do miss it. Such a lovely holiday! Pasca and I did put up some little decorations in the kitchen, and I've got sweet potatoes roasting in the oven for gnocchi tonight (a "labor of love"), as well as plans for a tres leches cake. Yum! Even without cards or flowers or presents being exchanged, the day is still a good reminder to be good to the ones you love, and I can think of no better way than a delicious meal for a busy family. And for the pure fun factor, here's a slew of Valentines pulled from the internet. Mostly themed with some of my favorite shows and movies, so hopefully you're all up to date on pop culture and can appreciate these! They were just too good not to share.

Arrested Development

Wes Anderson characters

Star Wars (always the best)

Breaking Bad

 Game of Thrones

  Harry Potter

 One for all you fellow sociologists

And even the Puritans among you!

Science nerd? Something for everyone!

And we'll finish off with my favorite meme (perhaps besides doge- very love, wow, much happy) , Grumpy Cat. Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. The cat one made me laugh, got the Dothraki one, but my favorite is Yoda!! Love Star Wars, guess that makes me a science fiction nerd! Happy Valentines day to my baby!
