10 February 2014

salvation mountain

Let's do an extra arty didactic post this week in tribute to Leonard Knight, the man behind Salvation Mountain in Niland, California. Although the intended message is not particularly stirring for me, I can't help but marvel at Leonard's commitment to his work, his beliefs, and his passion to share both of those in such a placid, beautiful way. I've still not been to the mountain, but it's one of my main goals for when I'm back in California. Sadly there's no longer a chance of meeting the man behind the marvel, but I believe that this expression of art was not made for vocal lauding, but rather for everyone's quiet contemplation, enjoyment and gratification. Below, a small collection of images pulled from the internet that just make me want to visit that much more, and a brilliant one I adore of the artist himself. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Big article about him in the paper recently, good reading. Sorry I forgot to save it for you. Maybe you and I can go together if you'd like, as Bob has no interest in going out to the desert! But ever since a friend posted photos there a few years back, I've been wanting to go see it.
