29 October 2013

oh happy day

Mail call! Our friendly mailman Jerry pulled up just as I was heading out to spend some time in the gardens. Can't wait to get home and open it with the kids. Told them a few boxes were probably on their way, and they've been as excited as if it were Christmas morning. Oh, sweet anticipation.
And in other great news, it's almost Halloween, and the day after, I get to head down to Melbourne to spend a week with Brian! Can't wait to have a little escape from domestic life and just relax. We'll be in town for Dia de los Muertos, so I'm determined to find some authentic Mexican food to celebrate. And Brian says that that holiday and Halloween descend from the Celtic New Years eve, Oiche Shamhain. Excited to get a full anthropology lesson on that.
After I get back to Daylesford, Sarah and the kids are heading to Bali to spend a week with Robert, so I'll be back in my old comfort zone of house and dog sitting! Old habits die hard indeed.

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