22 October 2013


Yesterday was an odd one. Pasca stayed home sick from school, the sky couldn't decide if it was to be a rainy one or not, and Sarah and I were both craving something exotic, warm, and comforting for lunch. So whipped up some shakshuka. Try it sometime, it's easily customized, and truly delicious.

First: gather and prep your ingredients. Slice a few onions and bell peppers, dice a whole lot of tomatoes, and finely chop some fresh herbs. I used thyme, parsley and cilantro. Also corral a bunch of eggs, a pinch of saffron, and some coriander seeds. 

Dry roast the coriander seeds over a high heat for a few minutes

Then add a bit of olive oil to the pan and saute the onions, peppers, and herbs until they're nice and soft and have a bit of color on them.

Toss in the diced tomatoes and saffron, and a splash of water, and lower the heat to a gentle simmer. If you're feeling spicy, add some ground chili or paprika. Let this mixture bubble for about 15 minutes, and be amazed at the heavenly aroma filling your kitchen. 

Stop to admire the view. Feel frustrated at the rain. Come back to focus. 

Slice up some nice, crusty bread from the market. Get excited. Lick your lips. 

Make some cozy nests in the tomato mixture, and ever so tenderly crack in some eggs. However many or little as you'd like. Reduce the heat even further, about as low as you can go, and cover the pan. Cook until the eggs are set to your liking. About 10 minutes for firm whites and slightly runny yolks in our case. 

Test the limits of your patience, and finally, FINALLY, serve it up! Throw some more chopped cilantro on top if you're feeling the need to garnish, and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hhhmmm....remember I made shashuka once for you and Morgan?? But I did it with spinach, and you know me, no runny yolks! But I do remember liking it a lot, so think maybe I'll try it again soon. Thanks for the reminder!
