22 October 2013

secret garden

The front "wall"

Once upon a time there was an expansive kitchen garden at Hightor. Then the mistress of the manor decided to pour her focus into other pursuits (children and a thesis), and the weeds slowly claimed the land as their own. Then one day a girl named Brooke showed up, introduced herself to the land, and got to working. Every day as she pulled sticky weed and dandelions and thistles, she discovered something new. Nasturtiums craving to crawl over features, herbs crying out to be picked and thrown in a salad, beautiful vegetables and fruits all around. She really felt like Mary Lennox finding little pieces of the secret garden. And she knew that with time, care, and hard work, this one would come back to life and be truly magnificent.


Purple sage

Ruby chard


Sweet peas wanting a trellis



Hello friend
Colorful succulents scattered all around

The view from the garden

Azaleas, flowering trees, and a giant yucca

And just for fun, another look at the botanic gardens from our front door. Came all the way to Australia to be surrounded by Californian redwoods.

And to be truly satisfied with your hard work, make sure to split open your gloves!


  1. Replies
    1. Exactly! I was just telling Sarah about those the other day. Still constantly on the lookout for a lollipop flower, too.

  2. Yum to the artichokes, and isn't it rhubarb?? Never heard of Ruby Chard, but it looks like rhubarb to me. Is this a case of plants being called different things in different places? Don't forget to add some fennel to your salad for that Italian kick! Ciao bella!
